June 30, 2014

:: Weekend Wrap ::

My weekend via Instagram shots…...

Taking a quick break from packing up the bf's apartment to enjoy a raspberry seltzer from Flour Bakery. (I've been sort of obsessed lately!)
his: Sperry's. hers: Sperry's.

My most recent #fabfound from Marshall's! This Barcelona chair retails for over $1,000 but I scored it for $349.99 :) I can't wait to see how it looks in my new apartment!

Saturday date night with my main man at LuLu's! The French onion deviled eggs, honey butter fried chicken, and mashed potatoes were amazing!

Enjoying the beautiful weather with a picnic in the park. (Stayed tuned for tomorrow's post to see outfit and accessory details!)

Picking up some fresh blooms from the farmer's market.

Baking my first homemade Margherita pizza for Sunday night dinner!

I also spent a good chunk of time binge watching Orange is the New Black! It's just so hard to turn it off!! What did you do this weekend?

xo, Steph :)

Follow me on Instagram @stephkward

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